
Privacy Notice for Visitor Induction Site



This Privacy Notice, explains how JDR Cable Systems Ltd collects and stores the personal information that visitors provide when they visit our Company premises.  




We collect and store a limited amount of personal information on visitors, including:

·         Name

·         E-Mail Address

·         Mobile Telephone

·         Emergency Contact Name

·         Emergency Contact Number




We collect and store this information to:


·         Comply with health and safety obligations

·         Manage and operate our Company premises




We are committed to keeping the personal information of visitors safe and secure: 


·         Induction information is recorded in a secure electronic database

·         Induction Records are securely destroyed after 1 year of inactivity

·         We do not share the information provided by visitors




Visitors have the right to request a copy of the personal information that is held about them.


To obtain a copy of the personal information that is held, visitors should e-mail the JDR HR Department at HR@jdrcables.com.